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Disagreement reduces overconfidence and prompts exploration in young children
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14098
Antonia F Langenhoff 1 , Mahesh Srinivasan 1 , Jan M Engelmann 1

Can the experience of disagreement lead young children to reason in more sophisticated ways? Across two preregistered studies, four- to six-year-old US children (N = 136, 50% female, mixed ethnicities, data collected 2020–2022) experienced either a disagreement or an agreement with a confederate about a causal mechanism after being presented with ambiguous evidence. We measured (1) children's confidence in their belief before and after the (dis)agreement, and (2) how long children searched for information about the correct answer. Disagreement, especially with an expert (Experiment 2), reduced overconfidence and prompted children to search longer for information, compared to agreement. Together, our findings suggest possibilities for interventions aimed at fostering humility and learning across the lifespan.



分歧的经历能否引导幼儿以更复杂的方式进行推理?在两项预先注册的研究中,4 至 6 岁的美国儿童(N = 136,50% 为女性,混合种族,2020-2022 年收集的数据)在获得模棱两可的证据后,与同盟者就因果机制存在分歧或达成一致。我们测量了 (1) 儿童在(不)协议之前和之后对自己信念的信心,以及 (2) 儿童搜索正确答案信息的时间。与达成一致相比,不一致,尤其是与专家的分歧(实验 2),减少了过度自信,并促使儿童搜索信息的时间更长。总之,我们的研究结果为旨在在整个生命周期中培养谦逊和学习的干预措施提供了可能性。