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Building equity into public park and recreation service investment: A review of public agency approaches
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105069
Helen Beck , Rachel Berney , Brian Kirk , Ken P. Yocom

In recent decades, academic and professional research has increased understanding of the importance of city and landscape planners engaging with social and environmental justice issues, including contemporary inequities inherent in the planning, distribution, use, and access of public green and open spaces. However, there is a gap between this research centering equity and the planning, development, and implementation rate demonstrated by public agencies. In this article, we examine examples of emerging practice in the public park and recreation sector to understand the strategies and approaches public agencies are taking to provide equitable park and recreation systems. Our research identifies and analyzes 17 examples of North American public park and open space management agencies using equity-based planning frameworks to prioritize park investment and resource distribution. Equity-focused resource analysis is distinct because while it assesses budget and project-based funding distributions, it further incorporates assessments of historical allocations to understand better areas of under-investment and the evolving needs of different communities. As economic inequities become more pronounced, local governments, and other public institutions providing services to populations, are important in helping communities navigate changes. Our findings support the ongoing advancement of equity-driven planning and implementation for public park and recreation agencies by providing practical information on existing approaches to redress the impact of unfair patterns of under-investment.



近几十年来,学术和专业研究加深了人们对城市和景观规划者参与社会和环境正义问题的重要性的理解,包括当代公共绿色和开放空间的规划、分配、使用和访问所固有的不平等。然而,这项以公平为中心的研究与公共机构所展示的规划、开发和实施率之间存在差距。在本文中,我们研究了公园和娱乐部门新兴实践的例子,以了解公共机构为提供公平的公园和娱乐系统而采取的策略和方法。我们的研究确定并分析了 17 个北美公园和开放空间管理机构的例子,这些机构使用基于股权的规划框架来优先考虑公园投资和资源分配。以股权为中心的资源分析是独特的,因为它在评估预算和基于项目的资金分配的同时,还进一步结合了对历史分配的评估,以更好地了解投资不足的领域和不同社区不断变化的需求。随着经济不平等变得更加明显,地方政府和其他为民众提供服务的公共机构在帮助社区应对变革方面发挥着重要作用。我们的研究结果通过提供有关现有方法的实用信息来纠正投资不足的不公平模式的影响,支持公园和娱乐机构持续推进公平驱动的规划和实施。