American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2024.6
Elizabeth Kallenbach
Paleoethnobotanical remains from basketry and cordage from the Paisley Caves offer an opportunity to explore how people engaged with plant communities over time. Fiber identification of textiles, together with radiocarbon dating, contributes new information about landscape use within the Summer Lake Basin. Expanded marshlands during the terminal Pleistocene / Early Holocene created suitable plant communities ideal for fiber technology, specifically wetland monocots and herbaceous dicots—including dogbane and stinging nettle—by 11,000 years ago. This technology is key to subsistence activities and craft production throughout the Holocene. Despite climatic events during the Middle Holocene, in which people transitioned from caves to sites centered on lakeshores and wetlands, the suite of fiber plants and their technological application remains constant. During the Late Holocene, bast fiber material diversified with the addition of flax and milkweed. The presence of flax in particular, a high-elevation plant, may reflect the increased use of upland root collection areas as populations increased. This research provides long-term data on culturally significant native plants used in the manufacture of fiber-based textiles over the last 14,000 years.

佩斯利洞穴的纤维制品:北部大盆地 14,000 年的植物选择
佩斯利洞穴的篮子和绳索中的古民族植物遗骸为探索人们如何随着时间的推移与植物群落互动提供了机会。纺织品的纤维鉴定以及放射性碳测年提供了有关夏季湖盆地景观利用的新信息。更新世末期/全新世早期扩大的沼泽地创造了适合纤维技术的理想植物群落,特别是 11,000 年前的湿地单子叶植物和草本双子叶植物(包括罗布麻和荨麻)。这项技术是整个全新世生存活动和手工艺生产的关键。尽管在全新世中期发生了气候事件,人们从洞穴转移到以湖岸和湿地为中心的地点,但纤维植物及其技术应用仍然保持不变。在全新世晚期,随着亚麻和马利筋的加入,韧皮纤维材料变得多样化。尤其是亚麻这种高海拔植物的存在,可能反映出随着人口的增加,高地根采集区的使用不断增加。这项研究提供了过去 14,000 年来用于制造纤维纺织品的具有重要文化意义的本土植物的长期数据。