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Genuine tripartite entanglement and geometric quantum discord in entangled three-body Unruh–DeWitt detector system
Frontiers of Physics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11467-024-1398-3
Tingting Fan , Cuihong Wen , Jiliang Jing , Jieci Wang

We studied the quantum correlations of a three-body Unruh–DeWitt detector system using genuine tripartite entanglement (GTE) and geometric quantum discord (GQD). We considered two representative three-body initial entangled states, namely the GHZ state and the W state. We demonstrated that the quantum correlations of the tripartite system are completely destroyed at the limit of infinite acceleration. In particular, it is found that the GQD of the two initial states exhibits “sudden change” behavior with increasing acceleration. It is shown that the quantum correlations of the W state are more sensitive than those of the GHZ state under the effect of Unruh thermal noise. The GQD is a more robust quantum resource than the GTE, and we can achieve robustness in discord-type quantum correlations by selecting the smaller energy gap in the detector. These findings provide guidance for selecting appropriate quantum states and resources for quantum information processing tasks in a relativistic setting.



我们使用真正的三方纠缠 (GTE) 和几何量子不和谐 (GQD) 研究了三体 Unruh-DeWitt 探测器系统的量子相关性。我们考虑了两种有代表性的三体初始纠缠态,即 GHZ 态和 W 态。我们证明了三方系统的量子相关性在无限加速的极限下被完全破坏。特别是,我们发现两个初始状态的GQD随着加速度的增加表现出“突变”行为。结果表明,在Unruh热噪声的影响下,W态的量子相关性比GHZ态的量子相关性更敏感。 GQD 是比 GTE 更鲁棒的量子资源,我们可以通过选择探测器中较小的能隙来实现不和谐型量子相关的鲁棒性。这些发现为在相对论环境中为量子信息处理任务选择适当的量子态和资源提供了指导。
