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Don't Play Games, Optimize [President's Message]
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 4-5-2024 , DOI: 10.1109/mci.2024.3365231
Yaochu Jin 1

When I give a talk about evolutionary machine learning, one question I often expect is why I use an evolutionary algorithm to optimize the hyperparameters and structure of a neural network, rather than using a reinforcement learning algorithm. A quick answer might be, well, I am an evolutionary computation guy. I know this is a sloppy answer. Often, I attempt to explain the potential benefits of using an evolutionary algorithm in comparison with a reinforcement learning algorithm, e.g., in handling multiple objectives, in parallelizing the calculations, and also in dealing with sparse environmental feedback, among others. Clearly, it is always problem-dependent whether an evolutionary algorithm or a reinforcement learning algorithm should be chosen to solve a machine learning problem.


