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Demographic change and loss of big trees in resprouting eucalypt forests exposed to megadisturbance
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13842
Eli R. Bendall 1 , Luke C. Collins 2, 3 , Kirsty V. Milner 1 , Michael Bedward 4 , Matthias M. Boer 1 , Brendan Choat 1 , Rachael V. Gallagher 1 , Belinda E. Medlyn 1 , Rachael H. Nolan 1

Increased tree mortality linked to droughts and fires is occurring across temperate regions globally. Vegetation recovery has been widely reported; however, less is known about how disturbance may alter forests structurally and functionally across environmental gradients. We examined whether dry forests growing on low-fertility soils were more resilient to coupled extreme drought and severe fire owing to lower tree mortality rates, higher resprouting success and persistence of juveniles relative to wetter forests on more fertile soils.


