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Beginning, rise, fall, and comeback: Exploring the journey of a physical education teacher community in South Korea
European Physical Education Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x241243205
Yongjin Lee 1 , Wonhee Lee 2 , Hyungsik Min 3 , Youngjoon Kim 4

Physical education teacher communities have been studied and implemented as a successful approach to teacher professional development. Despite a wealth of literature, less is known about three aspects: sustained nature of a community over time, power relations among community members, and a comprehensive case study. This study aimed to address these gaps in the literature by investigating the journey of a physical education community of practice (CoP) in South Korea. In this intrinsic case study, seven core members were interviewed using a timeline drawing method to elicit the stories behind the community's history. In addition, field notes from observations and documents from the official community website were used to corroborate the interview data. Inductive and collaborative data analysis organised the community's history into four phases: Beginning, Rise, Fall, and Comeback. Detailed explanations of each phase represent what happened and how the community evolved over time. Discussions suggested, first, that changing power relations facilitate different types of learning in CoPs. Initially, a strong leader drove learning as experiencing and doing, but as power shifted to members, the community changed to learning as belonging and becoming. Second, conflict can be a natural process to revisit the shared vision. Since the shared vision is not static but rather reflects contextual values, community members should revisit and discuss it as conflicts arise. Third, community engagement can be understood as an opportunity to gain recognition. This research underscores the significance of understanding long-term teacher motivation and the collective factors that drive it through community engagement.



体育教师社区已作为教师专业发展的成功方法进行了研究和实施。尽管文献丰富,但人们对以下三个方面知之甚少:社区随着时间的推移的持续性、社区成员之间的权力关系以及全面的案例研究。本研究旨在通过调查韩国体育教育实践社区 (CoP) 的历程来弥补文献中的这些空白。在这个内在案例研究中,采用时间线绘制的方法采访了七名核心成员,以引出社区历史背后的故事。此外,现场观察记录和官方社区网站的文件也被用来证实访谈数据。归纳和协作数据分析将社区的历史分为四个阶段:开始、崛起、衰落和回归。每个阶段的详细解释代表了发生的事情以及社区如何随着时间的推移而演变。讨论首先表明,不断变化的权力关系促进了缔约方会议中不同类型的学习。最初,强有力的领导者推动学习作为体验和实践,但随着权力转移到成员手中,社区转变为学习作为归属和成为。其次,冲突可能是重新审视共同愿景的自然过程。由于共同的愿景不是静态的,而是反映了背景价值观,因此社区成员应该在冲突出现时重新审视和讨论它。第三,社区参与可以被理解为获得认可的机会。这项研究强调了理解长期教师动机以及通过社区参与推动教师动机的集体因素的重要性。