Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2963
Erratum for Conlisk, Erin E., Gregory H. Golet, Mark D. Reynolds, Blake A. Barbaree, Kristin A. Sesser, Kristin B. Byrd, Sam Veloz, and Matthew E. Reiter. 2022. Both real-time and long-term environmental data perform well in predicting shorebird distributions in managed habitat. Ecological Applications 32(4):e2510.
An error has been found in Figures 4 and 5 of the published version. The labels on the color keys of these figures are placed incorrectly; where it says suitable it should say unsuitable and vice versa, making the orange colors unsuitable and blue suitable. Corrected figures are included here.
Conlisk、Erin E. 、 Gregory H. Golet 、 Mark D. Reynolds 、 Blake A. Barbaree 、 Kristin A. Sesser 、 Kristin B. Byrd 、 Sam Veloz和Matthew E. Reiter 的勘误表。 2022年。实时和长期环境数据在预测管理栖息地中鸻鹬鸟的分布方面都表现良好。生态应用32 ( 4 ):e2510。