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Verifying the security of a continuous variable quantum communication protocol via quantum metrology
npj Quantum Information ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1038/s41534-024-00834-9
Lorcán O. Conlon , Biveen Shajilal , Angus Walsh , Jie Zhao , Jiri Janousek , Ping Koy Lam , Syed M. Assad

Quantum mechanics offers the possibility of unconditionally secure communication between multiple remote parties. Security proofs for such protocols typically rely on bounding the capacity of the quantum channel in use. In a similar manner, Cramér-Rao bounds in quantum metrology place limits on how much information can be extracted from a given quantum state about some unknown parameters of interest. In this work we establish a connection between these two areas. We first demonstrate a three-party sensing protocol, where the attainable precision is dependent on how many parties work together. This protocol is then mapped to a secure access protocol, where only by working together can the parties gain access to some high security asset. Finally, we map the same task to a communication protocol where we demonstrate that a higher mutual information can be achieved when the parties work collaboratively compared to any party working in isolation.



