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Synergies and trade-offs in the European forest bioeconomy research: State of the art and the way forward
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103204
L. Hetemäki , D. D'Amato , A. Giurca , E. Hurmekoski

The management and governance of forests must consider the synergies and trade-offs between different societal goals, especially with the bioeconomy being a key factor in recent sectoral strategies worldwide. This literature review explores the multidimensional concept of synergies and trade-offs, focusing on scientific publications dealing with the European forest bioeconomy. The objectives are twofold: 1) to provide an overview of the reviewed literature, including publication outlets, disciplinary diversity, and geographic scope of the studies; and 2) to analyze the synergies and trade-offs assessed by the reviewed articles, including the temporal scope of the assessment, the value chain segment considered, the methods used, and the policy implications and research gaps identified. The results show that European forest bioeconomy research concentrates on Finland, Sweden, and Germany, the three largest roundwood producers in the EU. The research is highly multidisciplinary (with a strong presence of social sciences), employing a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. Out of the 138 studies reviewed, 22% explicitly analyze synergies and/or trade-offs in the forest bioeconomy. The reported synergies were widely varied, while most commonly reported trade-offs related to wood production versus climate change mitigation, biodiversity, and more generally other ecosystem services. The use of the synergy and trade-off concepts is often inexact, and the policy implications articulated in the literature are frequently formulated in generic terms, emphasizing communication. The findings and recommendations of this review are thus of relevance for both the scientific and practitioner/policy community.



森林的管理和治理必须考虑不同社会目标之间的协同作用和权衡,特别是生物经济是全球近期部门战略的关键因素。本文献综述探讨了协同和权衡的多维概念,重点关注涉及欧洲森林生物经济的科学出版物。目标有两个:1)提供所审查文献的概述,包括出版渠道、学科多样性和研究的地理范围; 2) 分析所审查文章评估的协同效应和权衡,包括评估的时间范围、考虑的价值链部分、使用的方法以及确定的政策影响和研究差距。结果显示,欧洲森林生物经济研究主要集中在欧盟三大原木生产国芬兰、瑞典和德国。该研究是高度多学科的(社会科学占主导地位),采用各种定性和定量方法。在审查的 138 项研究中,22% 明确分析了森林生物经济的协同作用和/或权衡。报告的协同作用差异很大,而最常见的报告涉及木材生产与减缓气候变化、生物多样性以及更普遍的其他生态系统服务之间的权衡。协同和权衡概念的使用往往不准确,文献中阐明的政策含义经常以通用术语表述,强调沟通。因此,本次审查的结果和建议对于科学界和从业者/政策界都具有相关性。