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The effect of ESG-motivated turnover on firm financial risk
The British Accounting Review ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bar.2024.101373
Daewoung Choi , Yong Kyu Gam , Min Jung Kang , Hojong Shin

This study investigates how effectively a forced CEO turnover mitigates a firm's distress risk amplified by a bad reputation for its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. We find that a firm's CEO dismissal decision significantly reduces the level of its distress risk—measured by Altman's Z-Score—subsequent to negative media coverage of the firm's ESG practices. This suggests that the forced CEO turnover may be taken as an ex-post damage instrument. Additional results show that the mitigation effect of CEO dismissal is stronger in firms under greater market scrutiny conditioned on various mechanisms: market competition, sin stock industry, and analyst coverage.


ESG 驱动的人员流动对公司财务风险的影响

本研究调查了强制首席执行官更替如何有效地减轻公司因环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 实践的不良声誉而放大的困境风险。我们发现,在媒体对公司的 ESG 实践进行负面报道后,公司首席执行官的解雇决定显着降低了其困境风险水平(以 Altman 的 Z 分数衡量)。这表明强制CEO更替可能被视为一种事后损害工具。其他结果表明,在受到各种机制(市场竞争、罪恶股票行业和分析师覆盖)更严格市场审查的公司中,首席执行官解雇的缓解效果更强。