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Metal- and light-free decarboxylative direct C–H alkylation of heteroarenes at room temperature
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1039/d4ob00187g
Tong-Bo Zhang 1 , Xi-Dong Guan 2 , Yan Gao 3 , Shi-Chao Lu 4, 5 , Bing-Long Li 2

This study reports a metal- and light-free decarboxylative C–H alkylation of heteroarenes at room temperature. The reaction generates various primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl radicals and functionalizes seven different privileged scaffolds widely present in bioactive molecules. During this process, one equivalent of hypervalent iodine(III) carboxylates (HICs) plays dual roles as an alkyl radical precursor and an oxidant.


室温下杂芳烃的无金属和无光脱羧直接 C-H 烷基化

这项研究报道了室温下杂芳烃的无金属和无光脱羧 C-H 烷基化。该反应产生各种伯、仲和叔烷基自由基,并对广泛存在于生物活性分子中的七种不同的特殊支架进行功能化。在此过程中,一当量的高价碘( III )羧酸盐(HIC)发挥着烷基自由基前体和氧化剂的双重作用。