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Towards sustainable water disinfection with peracetic acid in aquaculture: A review
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12915
Dibo Liu 1 , David L. Straus 2 , Lars‐Flemming Pedersen 3 , Christopher Good 4 , Carlo C. Lazado 5 , Thomas Meinelt 1

Peracetic acid (PAA) has a long history as an efficacious and eco-friendly disinfectant. It was first synthesised in 1902, and since then a wide range of applications has been developed in various industries. Aquaculture is a more recent industry wherein the potential of PAA is significant. As the global demand for sustainable development increases, there has likewise been growing interest in using PAA in aquaculture as an alternative to less environmentally friendly practices. PAA has no carcinogenic risk to humans (unlike formalin), has negligible harmful by-products (unlike chlorine-based disinfectants) and with appropriate precautions, the risks of causing severe human health damage is easier to control than ozone. Fish show strong physiological recovery and adaptation to PAA, whereas susceptible life stages of pathogens are highly vulnerable, enabling a safe and efficacious disinfection of the entire culture water and not the flow-restricted disinfection by such processes as ultraviolet radiation or ozone. The effective concentration of PAA against many fish pathogens is usually below 2 mg L−1, which is tolerable for most fish, and it has very low environmental risk due to rapid degradation. However, such degradation and the hydrodynamics in production-scale aquaculture systems complicate the practical use of PAA. In this review, we summarise key results of safe concentrations of PAA and its effectiveness specifically for fish farmers. We also outline major difficulties and possible solutions for practical uses of PAA. We intend to bring global attention to this compound and inspire future possibilities for its sustainable use as a water disinfectant in aquaculture.



过氧乙酸(PAA)作为一种有效且环保的消毒剂有着悠久的历史。它于1902年首次合成,此后在各个行业得到了广泛的应用。水产养殖是一个较新的产业,PAA 的潜力巨大。随着全球对可持续发展的需求增加,人们对在水产养殖中使用 PAA 作为不太环保的做法的替代品也越来越感兴趣。 PAA 对人类没有致癌风险(与福尔马林不同),有害副产物可忽略不计(与氯基消毒剂不同),并且采取适当的预防措施,造成严重人类健康损害的风险比臭氧更容易控制。鱼类对PAA表现出很强的生理恢复和适应能力,而病原体的易感生命阶段非常脆弱,可以对整个养殖水体进行安全有效的消毒,而不是通过紫外线或臭氧等过程进行限流消毒。 PAA对抗许多鱼类病原体的有效浓度通常低于2 mg L -1 ,这对于大多数鱼类来说是可以耐受的,并且由于快速降解而具有非常低的环境风险。然而,这种降解和生产规模水产养殖系统中的流体动力学使 PAA 的实际使用变得复杂。在这篇综述中,我们总结了 PAA 安全浓度的主要结果及其对养鱼户的有效性。我们还概述了 PAA 实际应用的主要困难和可能的解决方案。我们打算引起全球对这种化合物的关注,并激发未来将其作为水产养殖水消毒剂可持续使用的可能性。