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Industrial-scale 61-channel monolithic silicalite-1 membranes for butane isomer separation
Advanced Membranes Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.advmem.2024.100096
Hongliang Hong , Kunlin Yu , Hongbin Liu , Rongfei Zhou , Weihong Xing

Developing energy-saving membrane and technology is important for the separation of hydrocarbon isomers to replace the energy-intensive distillation. Silicalite-1 membrane is a promising membrane material but difficult to be scaled up. In this work, separation performance of industrial-scale monolithic silicalite-1 membranes in term of actual butane mixtures has been reported for the first time. Each 61-channel monolithic membrane has effective area and surface-to-volume ratio of 0.2 ​m and 400 ​m/m, which are about 20 and 5.6 times higher than that of the common tubular one with the same length, respectively. Average -butane/-butane separation factor (34) of the industrial-scale membranes was even higher than or comparable to that of the reported small-area zeolite membranes. The influences of test parameters on permeances and separation factors of the membranes and the long-term stability were examined. Reynold numbers was used to correlate the concentration polarization (CP) with the reduction of separation performance. A solution was proposed to reduce the effect of CP. It suggests that the industrial-scale and high-performance monolithic silicalite-1 membranes are suitable for actual applications of butane separation.


用于丁烷异构体分离的工业规模 61 通道整体 Silalite-1 膜

开发节能膜和技术对于烃类异构体的分离取代能源密集型蒸馏具有重要意义。 Silicalite-1膜是一种很有前景的膜材料,但难以大规模生产。在这项工作中,首次报道了工业规模整体式silicalite-1膜对实际丁烷混合物的分离性能。每片61通道整体膜的有效面积和表面积比分别为0.2 m和400 m/m,分别比相同长度的普通管式膜高约20倍和5.6倍。工业规模膜的平均-丁烷/-丁烷分离因子(34)甚至高于或与报道的小面积沸石膜相当。考察了测试参数对膜的渗透率、分离因子以及长期稳定性的影响。雷诺数用于将浓差极化 (CP) 与分离性能的降低相关联。提出了一种减少 CP 影响的解决方案。这表明工业规模的高性能整体silicalite-1膜适合丁烷分离的实际应用。