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Eimeria atricillae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the laughing gull Leucophaeus atricilla (Linnaeus) (Aves: Charadriiformes: Laridae) in Port Isabel, Texas
Systematic Parasitology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11230-024-10153-4
Edgardo Soriano-Vargas 1 , Marco Antonio García-Albarrán 2 , Celene Salgado-Miranda 1

A new coccidian species, Eimeria atricillae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) collected from the laughing gull Leucophaeus atricilla, is reported from Port Isabel, Texas, USA. Sporulated oöcysts of the new species are spherical to subspherical, 16.0−18.1 × 14.4−16.6 (17.1 × 15.4) μm, with a length/width (L/W) ratio of 1.0−1.1; polar granules are present, but micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent. Sporocysts are ovoid, 9.1−9.7 × 6.1−7.1 (9.4 × 6.6) μm, with a L/W ratio of 1.3−1.5; Stieda body present, but sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies are absent; sporocyst residuum diffuse.


艾美耳球虫sp。 (Apicomplexa:Eimeriidae)来自得克萨斯州伊莎贝尔港的笑鸥 Leucophaeus atricilla (Linnaeus)(鸟纲:Charadriiformes:Laridae)

球虫新种, Eimeria atricillae n. sp。 (顶端复门:艾美耳科)从笑鸥Leucophaeus atricilla采集,据报道产自美国德克萨斯州伊莎贝尔港。新物种的孢子化卵囊呈球形至类球形,16.0−18.1 × 14.4−16.6 (17.1 × 15.4) μm,长/宽 (L/W) 比为 1.0−1.1;存在极性颗粒,但不存在珠孔和卵囊残留物。孢子被卵圆形,9.1−9.7 × 6.1−7.1 (9.4 × 6.6) μm,长/宽比为 1.3−1.5;存在斯蒂达体,但不存在亚斯蒂达体和准斯蒂达体;孢子囊残留弥漫。
