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Insights into epileptogenesis from post-traumatic epilepsy
Nature Reviews Neurology ( IF 28.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1038/s41582-024-00954-y
Matthew Pease 1 , Kunal Gupta 2 , Solomon L Moshé 3, 4, 5 , Daniel J Correa 3 , Aristea S Galanopoulou 3, 4 , David O Okonkwo 6 , Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez 6 , Lori Shutter 6, 7, 8 , Ramon Diaz-Arrastia 9 , James F Castellano 8

Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) accounts for 5% of all epilepsies. The incidence of PTE after traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on the severity of injury, approaching one in three in groups with the most severe injuries. The repeated seizures that characterize PTE impair neurological recovery and increase the risk of poor outcomes after TBI. Given this high risk of recurrent seizures and the relatively short latency period for their development after injury, PTE serves as a model disease to understand human epileptogenesis and trial novel anti-epileptogenic therapies. Epileptogenesis is the process whereby previously normal brain tissue becomes prone to recurrent abnormal electrical activity, ultimately resulting in seizures. In this Review, we describe the clinical course of PTE and highlight promising research into epileptogenesis and treatment using animal models of PTE. Clinical, imaging, EEG and fluid biomarkers are being developed to aid the identification of patients at high risk of PTE who might benefit from anti-epileptogenic therapies. Studies in preclinical models of PTE have identified tractable pathways and novel therapeutic strategies that can potentially prevent epilepsy, which remain to be validated in humans. In addition to improving outcomes after TBI, advances in PTE research are likely to provide therapeutic insights that are relevant to all epilepsies.



创伤后癫痫 (PTE) 占所有癫痫的 5%。创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 后 PTE 的发生率取决于损伤的严重程度,在损伤最严重的群体中接近三分之一。 PTE 的特征是反复癫痫发作,会损害神经功能恢复并增加 TBI 后不良后果的风险。鉴于复发性癫痫发作的高风险以及损伤后癫痫发作相对较短的潜伏期,PTE 可作为了解人类癫痫发生和试验新型抗癫痫治疗的模型疾病。癫痫发生是以前正常的脑组织变得容易反复出现异常电活动,最终导致癫痫发作的过程。在这篇综述中,我们描述了 PTE 的临床过程,并重点介绍了使用 PTE 动物模型进行癫痫发生和治疗的有前景的研究。临床、影像、脑电图和液体生物标志物正在开发中,以帮助识别可能受益于抗癫痫治疗的 PTE 高风险患者。 PTE 临床前模型的研究已经确定了可以预防癫痫的易处理途径和新颖的治疗策略,这些策略仍有待在人类中进行验证。除了改善 TBI 后的预后外,PTE 研究的进展可能会提供与所有癫痫病相关的治疗见解。
