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Generating prophylactic immunity against arboviruses in vertebrates and invertebrates
Nature Reviews Immunology ( IF 67.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1038/s41577-024-01016-6
Daniel J. Rawle , Leon E. Hugo , Abigail L. Cox , Gregor J. Devine , Andreas Suhrbier

The World Health Organization recently declared a global initiative to control arboviral diseases. These are mainly caused by pathogenic flaviviruses (such as dengue, yellow fever and Zika viruses) and alphaviruses (such as chikungunya and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses). Vaccines represent key interventions for these viruses, with licensed human and/or veterinary vaccines being available for several members of both genera. However, a hurdle for the licensing of new vaccines is the epidemic nature of many arboviruses, which presents logistical challenges for phase III efficacy trials. Furthermore, our ability to predict or measure the post-vaccination immune responses that are sufficient for subclinical outcomes post-infection is limited. Given that arboviruses are also subject to control by the immune system of their insect vectors, several approaches are now emerging that aim to augment antiviral immunity in mosquitoes, including Wolbachia infection, transgenic mosquitoes, insect-specific viruses and paratransgenesis. In this Review, we discuss recent advances, current challenges and future prospects in exploiting both vertebrate and invertebrate immune systems for the control of flaviviral and alphaviral diseases.



世界卫生组织最近宣布了一项控制虫媒病毒疾病的全球倡议。这些病毒主要由致病性黄病毒(如登革热、黄热病和寨卡病毒)和甲病毒(如基孔肯雅病毒和委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒)引起。疫苗是针对这些病毒的关键干预措施,已获得许可的人类和/或兽用疫苗可用于这两个属的多个成员。然而,新疫苗许可的一个障碍是许多虫媒病毒的流行性质,这给 III 期功效试验带来了后勤挑战。此外,我们预测或测量足以产生感染后亚临床结果的疫苗后免疫反应的能力是有限的。鉴于虫媒病毒也受到昆虫媒介免疫系统的控制,目前正在出现几种旨在增强蚊子抗病毒免疫力的方法,包括沃尔巴克氏体感染、转基因蚊子、昆虫特异性病毒和副转基因。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了利用脊椎动物和无脊椎动物免疫系统控制黄病毒和甲病毒疾病的最新进展、当前挑战和未来前景。
