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Intra‐urban residential mobility and segregation of foreigners in Rome
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2777
Stefania M. L. Rimoldi 1 , Massimiliano Crisci 2 , Federico Benassi 3 , James Raymer 4

This research studies the residential mobility of Italians and foreigners in Rome from 2002 to 2019. We examine the differences in residential mobility patterns for (1) Italians and foreigners, (2) foreign migrants by selected country of origin, and (3) the effect of intra‐urban mobility on residential segregation. Log‐linear models and segregation indexes are used to analyze unpublished microdata on residential mobility by neighbourhood from the population register of Rome. Results show that foreigners are more mobile than Italians and more prone to move outside the area where they live, but with an increasing process of remaining in their current locations over time. Also, similarities and differences emerge by country of origin. Finally, we find residential mobility has increased the spatial concentration and clustering of foreigners in Rome, whilst reducing the dissimilarity from Italians at the same time.



本研究研究了 2002 年至 2019 年在罗马的意大利人和外国人的居住流动性。我们研究了 (1) 意大利人和外国人,(2) 按选定原籍国划分的外国移民,以及 (3) 居住流动模式的差异城市内流动性对居住隔离的影响。使用对数线性模型和隔离指数来分析罗马人口登记册中未发表的按社区划分的住宅流动性微观数据。结果显示,外国人比意大利人更具流动性,并且更容易搬到他们居住的地区之外,但随着时间的推移,他们留在当前地点的情况也越来越多。此外,原籍国之间也存在相似点和差异。最后,我们发现居住流动性增加了罗马外国人的空间集中度和聚集性,同时减少了与意大利人的差异。