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The genetic basis and improvement of photosynthesis in tomato
Horticultural Plant Journal ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hpj.2023.06.007
Haiqiang Dong , Fangman Li , Xiaoxiao Xuan , John Kojo Ahiakpa , Jinbao Tao , Xingyu Zhang , Pingfei Ge , Yaru Wang , Wenxian Gai , Yuyang Zhang

Photosynthesis is one the most important chemical reaction in plants, and it is the ultimate energy source of any living organisms. The light and dark reactions are two essential phases of photosynthesis. Light reaction harvests light energy to synthesize ATP and NADPH through an electron transport chain, and as well as giving out O; dark reaction fixes CO into six carbon sugars by utilizing NADPH and energy from ATP. Subsequently, plants convert optical energy into chemical energy for maintaining growth and development through absorbing light energy. Here, firstly, we highlighted the biological importance of photosynthesis, and hormones and metabolites, photosynthetic and regulating enzymes, and signaling components that collectively regulate photosynthesis in tomato. Next, we reviewed the advances in tomato photosynthesis, including two aspects of genetic basis and genetic improvement. Numerous genes regulating tomato photosynthesis are gradually uncovered, and the interaction network among those genes remains to be constructed. Finally, the photosynthesis occurring in fruit of tomato and the relationship between photosynthesis in leaf and fruit were discussed. Leaves and fruits are photosynthate sources and sinks of tomato respectively, and interaction between photosynthesis in leaf and fruit exists. Additionally, future perspectives that needs to be addressed on tomato photosynthesis were proposed.



光合作用是植物中最重要的化学反应之一,是任何生物体的最终能源。光反应和暗反应是光合作用的两个重要阶段。光反应收集光能,通过电子传递链合成ATP和NADPH,并放出O;暗反应利用 NADPH 和 ATP 的能量将 CO 固定为六碳糖。随后,植物通过吸收光能将光能转化为化学能以维持生长发育。在这里,首先,我们强调了光合作用、激素和代谢物、光合作用和调节酶以及共同调节番茄光合作用的信号成分的生物学重要性。接下来我们回顾了番茄光合作用的研究进展,包括遗传基础和遗传改良两个方面。许多调控番茄光合作用的基因逐渐被发现,而这些基因之间的相互作用网络仍有待构建。最后讨论了番茄果实的光合作用以及叶与果实光合作用的关系。叶片和果实分别是番茄的光合源和库,叶片和果实光合作用之间存在相互作用。此外,还提出了番茄光合作用未来需要解决的观点。