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How Do Bigger and Smaller Cities Manage Migration? Ukrainian War Refugees in Polish Cities
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/08883254241234621
Agnieszka Bielewska 1 , Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska 2 , Olga Czeranowska 3

This paper presents a comparative study of cities’ migration policies. By comparing four bigger and four smaller Polish cities and their approaches towards Ukrainian war refugees, we show the differences in support offered by bigger and smaller towns. Polish cities wholeheartedly and spontaneously welcomed Ukrainians fleeing their country after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. While bigger cities start from reception and then offer integration activities, smaller ones see the presence of Ukrainians as temporary and identify their needs in terms of immediate humanitarian aid. The extra value of this original research is in documenting the specific moment when those cities have become ethnically diverse. The research includes interviews with the cities’ authorities, panel discussions, and analyses of documents and press articles.



本文对城市移民政策进行了比较研究。通过比较四个较大和四个较小的波兰城市及其对待乌克兰战争难民的方式,我们展示了较大和较小城镇提供的支持的差异。 2022 年 2 月俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,波兰城市全心全意、自发地欢迎逃离祖国的乌克兰人。大城市从接待开始,然后提供融合活动,而较小的城市则认为乌克兰人的存在是暂时的,并确定他们在紧急人道主义方面的需求援助。这项原创研究的额外价值在于记录了这些城市变得种族多元化的特定时刻。研究包括对城市当局的采访、小组讨论以及对文件和新闻文章的分析。