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Ecology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4080

COVER PHOTO: Adult female elk (Cervus canadensis) in northeastern Washington, USA, balance shifting risks from cougars, wolves, and humans by altering habitat preferences according to the time of day. Ganz et al. (this issue; Article e4255; doi:10.1002/ecy.4255) found that humans caused most adult female elk deaths through hunting and vehicle collisions, and elk prioritized avoiding humans over wolves and cougars in the daytime, when humans are most active. At night, elk primarily avoided cougars and wolves (when these carnivores primarily hunt) and preferred areas near human activities, which reduced exposure to the threat of wolf predation. Photo credit: Sarah Bassing.



封面照片:美国华盛顿州东北部的成年雌性麋鹿(Cervus canadensis)通过根据一天中的时间改变栖息地偏好来平衡来自美洲狮、狼和人类的风险转移。甘兹等人。 (本期;文章 e4255;doi:10.1002/ecy.4255)发现,人类导致大多数成年雌性麋鹿死亡的原因是狩猎和车辆碰撞,并且在人类最活跃的白天,麋鹿会优先避开人类,而不是狼和美洲狮。晚上,麋鹿主要避开美洲狮和狼(这些食肉动物主要捕猎时),并喜欢靠近人类活动的区域,这减少了狼捕食的威胁。照片来源:莎拉·贝辛。