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Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2875

COVER PHOTO: Anolis gundlachi is a shade specialist lizard endemic to Puerto Rico that inhabits old-growth forests and forests in earlier stages of succession if these provide the shaded conditions required for its physiological needs. In their study published in this issue, Acevedo et al. (Article e2960; doi:10.1002/eap.2960) studied the recolonization of secondary forests by this shade specialist through the lens of range expansion theory. They found differences in phenotypic traits, and lower densities and parasitism rates in younger forests when compared to matured forests as predicted by range expansion theory. Photo credit: Miguel Acevedo.



封面照片: Anolis Gundlachi是波多黎各特有的遮荫专家蜥蜴,栖息在古老的森林和演替早期阶段的森林中,前提是这些森林提供了其生理需求所需的遮荫条件。 Acevedo 等人在本期发表的研究中。 (文章 e2960;doi:10.1002/eap.2960)这位遮荫专家通过范围扩展理论的视角研究了次生林的再殖民。他们发现,与范围扩张理论预测的成熟森林相比,年轻森林的表型特征存在差异,密度和寄生率较低。照片来源:米格尔·阿塞维多。