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Early intergroup coalition: Toddlers attribute fair distributions to Black rather than White distributors
Social Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-31 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12740
Alessandra Geraci 1 , Elena Commodari 1 , Paola Perucchini 2

Racial concepts emerge in preschool age, and affect children's evaluations of others’ actions. This research investigated whether 2.5-year-old and 7-year-old children's (= 160; 100% White) evaluations may be influenced by an initial racial bias when both out-group and in-group protagonists were evaluated directly by attributing the responsibility of negative or positive outcomes (i.e., fair or unfair distributions of resources). After seeing each of two familiarization events, displaying fair and unfair distributions performed by a hidden distributor, toddlers were asked to assign positive and negative outcomes to two distributors that were portrayed on drawings (Experiment 1) or photographs (Experiments 2–3) of White or Black faces. Seven-year-old children were assessed with the same forced-choice character task by using photographs (Experiment 4). Toddlers showed a significant tendency to attribute a fair distribution of resources to Black faces only when these were shown by photographs. Conversely, 7-year-olds manifested a pro-White/anti-Black racial bias. These findings support prior literature on the age-related development of race prejudice starting not before the three years of life, and shed light on an initial state that is aimed at intergroup coalitions.



种族观念出现在学龄前,并影响儿童对他人行为的评价。这项研究调查了当 外群体和内群体的主角都通过直接归因于消极或积极结果的责任(即公平或不公平的资源分配)。在看到两个熟悉事件中的每一个后,展示由隐藏的分配器执行的公平和不公平的分配,幼儿被要求将积极和消极的结果分配给描绘在白色的图画(实验1)或照片(实验2-3)上的两个分配器或黑脸。使用照片对七岁儿童进行相同的强制选择角色任务评估(实验 4)。只有当照片显示这些信息时,幼儿才会表现出将资源公平分配归因于黑人面孔的显着倾向。相反,7 岁的孩子表现出支持白人/反对黑人的种族偏见。这些发现支持了先前关于种族偏见在三岁之前就开始与年龄相关的发展的文献,并揭示了针对群体间联盟的初始状态。