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Governing the West Bank: What Role Do Elite Level Civil Servants Actively Represent?
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-31 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x241242436
Karl O’Connor 1 , Usamah Shahwan 2

Representative bureaucracy is used to understand original data, shedding light on the administrative side of the politico-administrative axis in one part of one of the world’s most contentious and divisive conflicts: the Palestinian Israeli conflict. We theorize and test six different theoretically existent roles of elite level bureaucrat (ELB) role conceptions in the West Bank. Using Q Methodology in 22 ELB interviews, we identify two empirically existent bureaucrat role conceptions associated with serving the public: one traditional Wilsonian/Weberian; the other a coproducer of public policy. Bureaucrats serve the entire population, as in public service motivation, not a sub-section. They believe that politics and bureaucracy should be separate and share concerns that bureaucratic independence is in jeopardy. The discovery of these profiles suggests that both pro-social and active representations on behalf of primary identities are notably absent, suggesting further investigation is required into bureaucrat role conceptions in the fragile or developing society.



代表官僚机构被用来理解原始数据,揭示世界上最具争议性和分裂性冲突之一的政治行政轴心的行政方面:巴以冲突。我们对西岸精英级官僚(ELB)角色概念中六种理论上存在的不同角色进行理论化和测试。在 22 次 ELB 访谈中使用 Q 方法,我们确定了两种与服务公众相关的、经验上存在的官僚角色概念:一种是传统的威尔逊/韦伯式;另一种是传统的威尔逊/韦伯式的;另一个是公共政策的共同制定者。就公共服务动机而言,官僚为全体人民服务,而不是为一小部分人服务。他们认为政治和官僚机构应该分开,并共同担心官僚机构的独立性受到威胁。这些概况的发现表明,代表主要身份的亲社会和积极代表明显不存在,这表明需要对脆弱或发展中社会中的官僚角色概念进行进一步调查。