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History and Prospects of Drug Discovery and Development Collaboration between Industry and Academia
Journal of Natural Products ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.4c00081
Sheo B Singh 1, 2 , Gary E Martin 2 , Brian McKittrick 1 , Jonathan Crowther 1 , Howard Fraenkel 1 , Charles Lunn 1 , Marvin Bayne 1 , John B Perkins 1 , Vincent Gullo 1

Research collaborations and licensing deals are critical for the discovery and development of life-saving drugs. This practice has been ongoing since the inception of the pharmaceutical industry. The current process of drug discovery and development is complex, regulated, and highly regimented, having evolved over time. Academia excels in the discovery of fundamental scientific concepts and biological processes, while industry excels in translational science and product development. Potential for collaboration exists at every step of the drug discovery and development continuum. This perspective walks through such collaborative activities, provides examples, and offers tips for potential collaborations.


