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Navigating the metaverse: A technical review of emerging virtual worlds
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/widm.1538
H. M. K. K. M. B. Herath 1, 2 , Mamta Mittal 3 , Aman Kataria 4

The metaverse, a burgeoning virtual reality realm, has garnered substantial attention owing to its multifaceted applications. Rapid advancements and widespread acceptance of metaverse technologies have birthed a dynamic and intricate digital landscape. As various platforms, virtual worlds, and social networks within the metaverse increase, there is a growing imperative for a comprehensive analysis of its implications across societal, technological, and business dimensions. Notably, existing review studies have, for the past decade, primarily overlooked a metaverse‐based multidomain approach. A meticulous examination encompassing 207 research studies delves into the technological innovation of the metaverse, elucidating its future trajectory and ethical imperatives. Additionally, the article introduces the term “MetaWarria” to conceptualize potential conflicts arising from metaverse dynamics. The study discerns that healthcare (45%) and education (22%) are pivotal sectors steering metaverse developments, while the entertainment sector (9%) reshapes the corporate landscape. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a 9% role in enhancing the metaverse's marketing and user experience. Security, privacy, and policy concerns (11%) are addressed due to escalating threats, yielding practical solutions. The analysis underscores the metaverse's profound influence (57%) on the digital realm, a phenomenon accelerated by the COVID‐19 pandemic. The article culminates in contemplating the metaverse's role in future warfare and national security, introducing “MetaWarria” as a conceptual framework for such discussions.This article is categorized under: Application Areas > Health Care Application Areas > Science and Technology Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Human Centricity and User Interaction



虚拟宇宙是一个新兴的虚拟现实领域,由于其多方面的应用而引起了广泛的关注。虚拟宇宙技术的快速进步和广泛接受催生了动态而复杂的数字景观。随着虚拟世界中各种平台、虚拟世界和社交网络的增加,越来越有必要全面分析其对社会、技术和商业维度的影响。值得注意的是,在过去的十年中,现有的综述研究主要忽视了基于元节的多域方法。一项涵盖 207 项研究的细致检查深入探讨了虚拟宇宙的技术创新,阐明了其未来发展轨迹和道德要求。此外,文章还介绍了“梅塔瓦利亚”来概念化元宇宙动态引起的潜在冲突。研究发现,医疗保健(45%)和教育(22%)是引导元宇宙发展的关键行业,而娱乐行业(9%)则重塑企业格局。人工智能 (AI) 在增强元宇宙的营销和用户体验方面发挥着 9% 的作用。由于威胁升级,安全、隐私和政策问题 (11%) 得到解决,并产生了实用的解决方案。该分析强调了虚拟宇宙对数字领域的深远影响 (57%),而这种现象因 COVID-19 大流行而加速。文章最后思考了虚拟宇宙在未来战争和国家安全中的作用,介绍了“梅塔瓦利亚”作为此类讨论的概念框架。本文分类如下: 应用领域 > 医疗保健 应用领域 > 科学技术 数据和知识的基本概念 > 以人为本和用户交互