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Simulation study on penetration depth of light in the source–detector distance using a nine-layered skin tissue model in the visible wavelength range
Optical Review ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10043-024-00877-5
Tomonori Yuasa , Iori Kojima , Naomichi Yokoi , Kumiko Kikuchi , Yukio Yamada , Yoshihisa Aizu

We simulated the relationship between the diffuse reflectance and penetration depth of light in skin with respect to the source (S)–detector (D) distance using the nine-layered skin tissue model for three wavelengths in the visible range. The photon propagation trajectory is visualized for intuitive understanding. The average penetration depth and the diffuse reflectance component are graphically related with the S-D distance. The results of the penetration depth versus diffuse reflectance and comparison with multiple regression analysis indicate that changes of absorption and/or scattering in the upper dermis region are expected to be perceived selectively.



我们使用可见光范围内三种波长的九层皮肤组织模型模拟了皮肤中光的漫反射率和穿透深度与源 (S)-检测器 (D) 距离之间的关系。光子传播轨迹可视化以便直观理解。平均穿透深度和漫反射分量与SD距离以图形方式相关。穿透深度与漫反射率的结果以及与多元回归分析的比较表明,预计会选择性地感知上真皮区域中的吸收和/或散射的变化。
