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The Fermi/eROSITA bubbles: a look into the nuclear outflow from the Milky Way
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review ( IF 27.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00159-024-00152-1
Kartick C. Sarkar

Galactic outflows are ubiquitous in galaxies containing active star formation or supermassive black hole activity. The presence of a large-scale outflow from the center of our own Galaxy was confirmed after the discovery of two large (~ 8–10 kpc) \(\gamma \)-ray bubbles using the Fermi-LAT telescope. These bubbles, known as the Fermi Bubbles, are highly symmetric about the Galactic disk as well as around the Galactic rotation axis and appear to emanate from the center of our Galaxy. The sharp edges of these bubbles suggest that they are related to the Galactic outflow. These bubbles are surrounded by two even bigger (~ 12–14 kpc) X-ray structures, known as the eROSITA bubbles. Together, they represent the characteristics of an outflow from the Galaxy into the circumgalactic medium. Multi-wavelength observations such as in radio, microwave, and UV toward the Fermi Bubbles have provided us with much information in the last decade. However, the origin and the nature of these bubbles remain elusive. In this review, I summarize the observations related to the Fermi/eROSITA Bubbles at different scales and wavelengths, and give a brief overview of our current understanding of them.


费米/eROSITA 气泡:观察银河系的核流出

星系外流在含有活跃恒星形成或超大质量黑洞活动的星系中无处不在。使用费米-LAT 望远镜发现两个大型 (~ 8–10 kpc) \(\gamma \)射线气泡后,证实了银河系中心存在大规模外流。这些气泡被称为费米气泡,关于银盘以及银河旋转轴高度对称,并且似乎从银河系中心发出。这些气泡的锋利边缘表明它们与银河流出有关。这些气泡被两个更大 (~ 12–14 kpc) X 射线结构包围,称为 eROSITA 气泡。它们共同代表了从银河系流出到环绕银河系介质的特征。在过去的十年里,对费米气泡的多波长观测,例如无线电、微波和紫外线观测,为我们提供了很多信息。然而,这些气泡的起源和性质仍然难以捉摸。在这篇综述中,我总结了与费米/eROSITA 气泡在不同尺度和波长下的相关观察结果,并简要概述了我们目前对它们的理解。
