npj Computational Materials ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1038/s41524-024-01245-2 Shilin Mao , Yuting Cao , Wei Chen , Dongke Sun
A model coupling the lattice Boltzmann and the phase field methods with anisotropic effects is proposed, which is used to numerically describe the growth and movement of dendrites in rapid solidification of alloys. The model is quantitatively validated by the simulation of the continuous growth and the drafting-kissing-tumbling phenomenon of two falling particles, and then applied to investigate the effects of dendrite movement and interfacial non-equilibrium on evolution of dendritic patterns for Si-9.0at%As and the CET for Al-3.0wt%Cu alloys. Both the growth and remelt processes of isolated dendrites are studied, and the result reveals the remelting influences on dendrite growth and solute micro-segregation in the condition of directional solidification. This work demonstrates that the proposed model has a wide range of applicability and great potential to simulate the microstructure evolution with various solidification conditions.

提出了一种耦合晶格玻尔兹曼和具有各向异性效应的相场方法的模型,用于数值描述合金快速凝固过程中枝晶的生长和运动。通过模拟两个下落粒子的连续生长和牵伸-接吻-翻滚现象对模型进行了定量验证,然后应用于研究枝晶运动和界面非平衡对Si-9.0at枝晶形态演化的影响Al-3.0wt%Cu 合金的 %As 和 CET。研究了孤立枝晶的生长和重熔过程,结果揭示了定向凝固条件下重熔对枝晶生长和溶质微观偏析的影响。这项工作表明,所提出的模型具有广泛的适用性和模拟各种凝固条件下的微观结构演化的巨大潜力。