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Memory Fusion, Diplomatic Agency, and Armenian Genocide Recognition in the Czech Republic
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olae003
Daniel Fittante 1

Scholars often emphasize how right-wing political actors in Europe use memory laws to undermine democratic traditions and revise historical accounts. But a broad range of political actors (with diverse motivations) support memory laws. Synthesizing research in international political sociology and memory politics, this analysis examines the relational and social practices of diplomats from small states and the creative strategies of center-left political insiders in the creation and passage of memory laws. Based on data collected in the Czech Republic, the article investigates how relational and social dynamics, in part, inspired members of parliament (from the Czech Social Democratic Party) to insert Armenian Genocide recognition into memory laws about the Holocaust and Second World War in the Chamber of Deputies (2017) and the Senate (2020) – a strategy I refer to as memory fusion. In developing the framework of memory fusion, however, the findings also explore how Turkish diplomats use a similar strategy to pursue their own goals.



学者们经常强调欧洲右翼政治行为者如何利用记忆法则破坏民主传统并修改历史记录。但广泛的政治参与者(具有不同的动机)支持记忆法则。本分析综合了国际政治社会学和记忆政治学的研究,考察了小国外交官的关系和社会实践,以及中左翼政治内部人士在记忆法则的创造和通过中的创造性策略。基于在捷克共和国收集的数据,本文调查了关系和社会动态如何在一定程度上启发议会成员(来自捷克社会民主党)将亚美尼亚种族灭绝承认纳入有关大屠杀和第二次世界大战的记忆法中。众议院(2017 年)和参议院(2020 年)——我将这种策略称为记忆融合。然而,在开发记忆融合框架时,研究结果还探讨了土耳其外交官如何使用类似的策略来追求自己的目标。