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Destructive fishing: An expert-driven definition and exploration of this quasi-concept
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.13015
Arlie Hannah McCarthy 1, 2, 3 , Daniel Steadman 4 , Hannah Richardson 4 , Jack Murphy 4 , Sophie Benbow 4 , Joshua I. Brian 1, 5 , Holly Brooks 6 , Giulia Costa‐Domingo 6 , Carolina Hazin 7 , Chris McOwen 6 , Jessica Walker 8 , David Willer 1 , Mohamad Abdi 9 , Peter J. Auster 10 , Roy Bealey 11 , Robert Bensted‐Smith 12 , Kathryn Broadburn 13 , Gonçalo Carvalho 14 , Tom Collinson 15 , Bolanle Erinosho 16 , Michael Fabinyi 17 , Senia Febrica 18 , Wilson Ngwa Forbi 19 , Serge M Garcia 20 , David Goad 21 , Lynda Goldsworthy 22 , Hugh Govan 23 , Charles Heaphy 24 , Jan Geert Hiddink 25 , Gilles Hosch 26 , Daniel Kachelriess 27 , Jeff Kinch 28 , Alana Malinde S. N. Lancaster 29, 30 , Frédéric Le Manach 31 , Thomas Matthews 32 , Alfonso Medellín Ortiz 33 , Alexia Morgan 34 , Helena Motta 35 , Hilario Murua 36 , Naveen Namboothri 37 , Evelyne Ndiritu 38 , Kelvin Passfield 39 , Nicolas J. Pilcher 40 , James O. Portus 41 , Juan M. Rguez‐Baron 42, 43 , Morven Robertson 44 , Abhilasha Sharma 37 , Cristián G. Suazo 45 , Leandro Luis Tamini 46 , Juan Vilata‐Simón 47 , Nibedita Mukherjee 48

Numerous policy and international frameworks consider that “destructive fishing” hampers efforts to reach sustainability goals. Though ubiquitous, “destructive fishing” is undefined and therefore currently immeasurable. Here we propose a definition developed through expert consultation: “Destructive fishing is any fishing practice that causes irrecoverable habitat degradation, or which causes significant adverse environmental impacts, results in long-term declines in target or nontarget species beyond biologically safe limits and has negative livelihood impacts.” We show strong stakeholder support for a definition, consensus on many biological and ecological dimensions, and no clustering of respondents from different sectors. Our consensus definition is a significant step toward defining sustainable fisheries goals and will help interpret and implement global political commitments which utilize the term “destructive fishing.” Our definition and results will help reinforce the Food and Agricultural Organization's Code of Conduct and meaningfully support member countries to prohibit destructive fishing practices.


