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Can AI fully replace human designers? Matching effects between declared creator types and advertising appeals on tourists’ visit intentions
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100892
Mengmeng Song , Hongyu Chen , Yuchen Wang , Yucong Duan

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers digital tools that advertisers can use to create ads and automate various advertising processes. It has reorganized and upgraded traditional advertising and specifically improved advertising efficiency for tourist destinations. Adopting the computers-are-social-actors paradigm and spreading–activation theory, this study examined how the relationship between declared creator types (AI vs. human) and advertising appeals (rational vs. emotional) affects individuals' visit intentions. Three scenario-based experiments were conducted. They revealed that advertisements with rational appeals improved visit intention for AI-generated ads more effectively. In contrast, those with emotional appeals were more attractive when the declared creator was human. This effect was mediated by information processing fluency. The results also confirmed the moderating role of tourists’ involvement in these relationships. This research expands the range of applications of AI-generated content in advertising and can inform practical marketing strategies for tourist destinations.



人工智能 (AI) 提供了数字工具,广告商可以使用这些工具来制作广告并自动化各种广告流程。对传统广告进行重组升级,针对性提高旅游目的地广告效率。本研究采用计算机即社会参与者范式和传播激活理论,研究了宣称的创作者类型(人工智能与人类)和广告诉求(理性与情感)之间的关系如何影响个人的访问意图。进行了三个基于场景的实验。他们发现,具有理性诉求的广告可以更有效地提高人工智能生成广告的访问意愿。相比之下,当宣称的创造者是人类时,那些具有情感诉求的人更具吸引力。这种效应是由信息处理流畅性介导的。结果还证实了游客参与这些关系的调节作用。这项研究扩大了人工智能生成内容在广告中的应用范围,并可以为旅游目的地的实际营销策略提供信息。