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Spatial equity of urban parks from the perspective of recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality: A case study in Singapore
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105065
Ru Guo , Jessica Ann Diehl , Ran Zhang , Hongcheng Wang

Spatial equity in urban park recreational services can significantly contribute to sustainable urban planning. However, there are shortcomings in research comparing the spatial equity of different categories of parks and urban parks overall from the perspective of recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality available to residents across various neighborhoods. In this paper, emphasizing park access within a 10-minute walk, we proposed an evaluation system at the neighborhood level for regional parks, community parks, and urban parks overall (regional and community parks combined) from this under-researched perspective. Taking Singapore as a case study, the feasibility of this evaluation system has been verified. We applied Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, locational entropy, and spatial autocorrelation analysis to compare the differences of horizontal spatial equity and spatial distribution patterns of different categories of parks and urban parks overall from the perspective of recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality. Results showed that the horizontal spatial inequity of recreational opportunities is higher than that of recreational environment quality with respect to regional parks, community parks, and urban parks overall. Compared with regional parks, community parks have a greater effect on improving the horizontal spatial equity of recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality of urban parks overall. Park recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality available to residents in each neighborhood have significant spatial accumulation patterns. The evaluation system and its application enable a more comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution of neighborhood-level park recreational opportunities and recreational environment quality.



城市公园休闲服务的空间公平可以极大地促进可持续城市规划。然而,从不同社区居民可获得的游憩机会和游憩环境质量的角度来比较不同类别公园和城市公园整体空间公平性的研究存在缺陷。在本文中,我们强调步行 10 分钟内即可到达公园,从这一尚待研究的角度出发,提出了区域公园、社区公园和城市公园整体(区域公园和社区公园相结合)的邻里层面评价体系。以新加坡为例,验证了该评价体系的可行性。运用洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数、区位熵和空间自相关分析等方法,从游憩机会和游憩环境质量的角度,比较不同类别公园和城市公园总体水平空间公平性和空间分布格局的差异。结果表明,区域公园、社区公园和城市公园总体上游憩机会的横向空间不平等程度高于游憩环境质量的空间不平等程度。与区域公园相比,社区公园对于提高城市公园整体游憩机会的横向空间公平性和游憩环境质量具有更大的作用。各街区居民可获得的公园游憩机会和游憩环境质量具有显着的空间积累规律。该评价体系及其应用能够更加全面地评估街区级公园游憩机会的空间分布和游憩环境质量。