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Study on preparation technology of molybdenum-tungsten alloy with different tungsten content
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2713/1/012064
Sha Xi , Qi Zhu , Cheng Chen , Na Wang , Sha Zhou , Cheng Yao , Xiao Zhang

The molybdenum-tungsten alloy rods with different tungsten content are prepared by powder metallurgy. The effects of different sintering processes on the density and microstructure of alloy rods are studied. The effects of different spinning forging processes on the yield and mass loss rate of alloy bars are also discussed. The results show that the optimum sintering processes of Mo-20W and Mo-50W alloys are 2150°C, 8 h, and 2200°C, 8 h respectively. Under the optimum sintering process, the relative density of the alloy rod reaches more than 98%. The microstructure is uniform and fine, and the grain of molybdenum tungsten alloy decreases gradually with the increase of W content. The optimum spinning forging processes of Mo-20W and Mo-50W alloys are 1280~1360°C and 1440~1520°C respectively. Under the optimum spinning forging processes, the yield of alloy bars reaches more than 92%, and the mass loss rate is reduced to 1.05~1.10%.



采用粉末冶金方法制备不同钨含量的钼钨合金棒。研究了不同烧结工艺对合金棒密度和显微组织的影响。还讨论了不同旋锻工艺对合金棒材的成品率和质量损失率的影响。结果表明,Mo-20W和Mo-50W合金的最佳烧结工艺分别为2150℃、8 h和2200℃、8 h。在最佳的烧结工艺下,合金棒的相对密度达到98%以上。显微组织均匀细小,钼钨合金晶粒随着W含量的增加而逐渐减小。 Mo-20W和Mo-50W合金的最佳旋锻工艺分别为1280~1360℃和1440~1520℃。在最佳旋锻工艺下,合金棒材的成品率达到92%以上,质量损失率降低至1.05~1.10%。