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A Resilient Routing Algorithm for Handling $K$-Link/Node Failure in Inclined LEO Megaconstellations
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2024.3382249
Yunze Zhang 1 , Kanglian Zhao 1 , Wenfeng Li 1

Routing schemes play a crucial role in handling link failures, especially in satellite networks where such failures are common due to the challenging space environment. In this article, a resilient routing algorithm called “shortest path first directional routing (SPFDR)” is proposed. By modeling the topology of the constellation as a mesh and applying specific rules for outport selection, SPFDR can handle any kk (k≤k \leq 2) link/node failures with minimal path stretch in inclined low Earth-orbit megaconstellations. A rigorous proof of SPFDR under kk (k≤k \leq 2) link/node failures is provided. The most prominent aspects of SPFDR are linear time complexity and label-free strategy. The simulation results demonstrate that SPFDR guarantees 100% reachability against any kk link/node failures (k≤k \leq 2), with an average path stretch increase of approximately zero.


用于处理倾斜 LEO 巨型星座中 $K$ 链路/节点故障的弹性路由算法

路由方案在处理链路故障方面发挥着至关重要的作用,特别是在卫星网络中,由于充满挑战的空间环境,此类故障很常见。在本文中,提出了一种称为“最短路径优先定向路由(SPFDR)”的弹性路由算法。通过将星座的拓扑建模为网格并应用特定的输出端口选择规则,SPFDR 可以在倾斜的低地球轨道巨型星座中以最小的路径拉伸处理任何 kk (k≤k \leq 2) 链路/节点故障。提供了 kk (k≤k \leq 2) 链路/节点故障下 SPFDR 的严格证明。 SPFDR最突出的方面是线性时间复杂度和无标签策略。仿真结果表明,SPFDR 保证针对任何 kk 链路/节点故障 (k≤k \leq 2) 的 100% 可达性,平均路径拉伸增量近似为零。