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Non-standard employment and underemployment at labor market entry and their impact on later wage trajectories
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267241239568
Sophia Fauser 1 , Irma Mooi-Reci 2

Using data from the Australian Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2001–2020), we examine how combined patterns of non-standard employment and underemployment in the early career shape later wage trajectories, paying careful attention to gender differences on a representative sample of Australian young men ( N = 470) and women ( N = 497). By combining multichannel sequence analysis and random effects panel models, we make three central findings. First, we identify seven distinct early employment trajectories, with the “standard” career, characterized by stable, full-time permanent jobs in the first 5 years post-education, being the most prevalent. Second, we find that combined patterns of non-standard employment and underemployment during early careers are associated with significant wage penalties. However, these wage penalties diminish within 10 years. Third, enduring and widening wage disparities are found only among youth primarily unemployed or inactive early in their careers. These penalties are particularly pronounced among men, underscoring the influence of the “ideal” worker norm. Overall, integrating underemployed jobseekers into the workforce and addressing gender-based biases should be a priority for policymakers to ensure equal opportunities and fair treatment for all workers in the labor market.



使用澳大利亚家庭、收入和劳动力动态 (HILDA) 调查(2001-2020)的数据,我们研究了职业生涯早期的非标准就业和就业不足的组合模式如何塑造后来的工资轨迹,并特别关注性别澳大利亚年轻男性 (N = 470) 和女性 (N = 497) 代表性样本的差异。通过结合多通道序列分析和随机效应面板模型,我们得出三个中心发现。首先,我们确定了七种不同的早期就业轨迹,其中“标准”职业最为普遍,其特点是在毕业后的前 5 年内从事稳定的全职永久性工作。其次,我们发现早期职业生涯中非标准就业和就业不足的综合模式与严重的工资处罚有关。然而,这些工资处罚会在 10 年内减少。第三,只有在主要失业或职业生涯早期不活跃的青年人中,才会出现持久且不断扩大的工资差距。这些惩罚在男性中尤为明显,凸显了“理想”工人规范的影响。总体而言,将就业不足的求职者纳入劳动力队伍并解决基于性别的偏见应该是政策制定者的首要任务,以确保劳动力市场上所有工人的平等机会和公平待遇。