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Scoping Review of Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programs for Undergraduate College Students
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241237201
Soonok An 1 , Chiquitia Welch-Brewer 2 , Helen Tadese 3

Recognizing that intimate partner violence (IPV) negatively affects college students’ health and well-being, colleges offer preventive interventions to address these effects. However, scholarly evidence on this effort has been limited, such that we know little about the risk factors addressed, theoretical approaches, target outcomes, and other essential intervention characteristics. To address this gap, this study reviewed evidence-based IPV preventive interventions conducted in U.S. colleges reported in 25 peer-reviewed articles and dissertations published between 2010 and 2020. Findings showed that IPV preventive interventions for college students were designed to address multilevel risk factors of IPV, typically via bystander interventions and emerging skill-building interventions. Most IPV preventive interventions were theoretically driven primary preventions or a combination of primary and secondary preventions. Most studies of program outcomes focus on awareness of IPV and bystander roles, but 44% of the included articles measured participants’ behavioral outcomes (e.g., actual bystander behavior, reaction to IPV disclosure, IPV screening behavior, social emotional skill use, or decreased rates of IPV perpetration) based on participants’ use of skill-building components (e.g., bystander strategies, healthy relationship skills, conflict resolution, communication skills, empathy, and self-regulation). Student participants in the included studies were predominantly white (>60%) and only two studies included any Latinx students or students at historically Black colleges and universities. This review indicates that future IPV prevention practice, policy, and research must further define and explore how multilevel IPV prevention approaches can address the various systems level of needs among diverse student subpopulations.



认识到亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 对大学生的健康和福祉产生负面影响,大学提供预防干预措施来解决这些影响。然而,关于这项工作的学术证据有限,因此我们对所涉及的风险因素、理论方法、目标结果和其他基本干预特征知之甚少。为了弥补这一差距,本研究回顾了 2010 年至 2020 年间发表的 25 篇同行评审文章和论文中报告的美国大学进行的基于证据的 IPV 预防干预措施。研究结果表明,针对大学生的 IPV 预防干预措施旨在解决IPV,通常通过旁观者干预和新兴的技能建设干预措施。大多数 IPV 预防干预措施理论上都是一级预防或一级预防和二级预防的结合。大多数项目成果研究都集中在对 IPV 和旁观者角色的认识上,但 44% 的纳入文章测量了参与者的行为结果(例如,实际旁观者行为、对 IPV 披露的反应、IPV 筛查行为、社交情感技能的使用或降低的比率)基于参与者对技能建设成分(例如,旁观者策略、健康关系技能、冲突解决、沟通技能、同理心和自我调节)的使用。纳入研究的学生参与者主要是白人(>60%),只有两项研究包括拉丁裔学生或历史悠久的黑人学院和大学的学生。本综述表明,未来的 IPV 预防实践、政策和研究必须进一步定义和探索多层次 IPV 预防方法如何满足不同学生群体的不同系统层面的需求。