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Fast Attitude Maneuvers for NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Practical Flight Application of Attitude Guidance using Birkhoff Pseudospectral Theory and Hamiltonian Programming
IEEE Control Systems ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1109/mcs.2024.3358593
Mark Karpenko 1 , Julie K. Halverson 2 , Yohannes Tedla 3 , Travis Lippman 1 , Kyaw Han 1 , I. Michael Ross 1 , Michael K. Barker 4 , Mark S. Robinson 5 , Winston Carter 6 , Aaron K. Boyd 6 , G. Wesley Patterson 7 , Colleen M. O’Shea 8 , F. Scott Turner 7 , Ryan T. Poffenbarger 8 , Cornelius J. Dennehy 2 , Tannen VanZwieten 9 , Aron A. Wolf 10

The monotonicity of a scalar function is equivalent to the positivity of its increments and to the convexity of its integral. I sometimes feel that this high-school mathematical statement alone underlines the entire algorithmic tractability of modern information engineering. And replacing “scalar function” with “system” defines a largely open research program in control.


NASA 月球侦察轨道飞行器的快速姿态机动:使用 Birkhoff 伪光谱理论和哈密顿规划的姿态制导的实际飞行应用
