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Involving citizens in regulation: A comparative qualitative study of four experimentalist cases of participatory regulation in Dutch health care
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12589
Bert de Graaff 1 , Suzanne Rutz 1, 2 , Annemiek Stoopendaal 1 , Hester van de Bovenkamp 1

The literature on responsive regulation argues that citizens should be involved in regulatory practices to avoid capture between regulator and regulatee. It also argues that including citizens can add an important perspective to regulatory practices. However, we know little about how citizens' perspectives are brought into regulatory practices. This paper draws on existing qualitative research to compare and analyze four cases of experimental participatory regulation in Dutch health care, focusing on the theoretical assumptions that citizen involvement (a) prevents capture, and (b) stimulates the inclusion of new perspectives. Our results show that involving citizens in regulation can increase transparency and trust in regulatory practices and familiarizes regulators with other perspectives. It is, however, up to the regulator to work on deriving benefits from that involvement—not only the practical work of organizing participatory regulation, but also the conceptual work of reflecting on their own assumptions and standards. We do find evidence for weak forms of capture and argue for the need to extend capture to involve multiple actors. We reflect on these results for theory development and regulatory practice.


