Cambridge Archaeological Journal ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s095977432300046x
Lynda D. McNeil
Rebutting previous claims, the paper employs comparative stylistic analysis and palaeoenvironmental data to argue that Angara style rock art originated in the Mongolian Altai during the Upper Palaeolithic (13,000–10,300 bp) where it evolved in situ. Around 8200–7300 bp, drought forced the hunter-gatherers who created Angara style rock art to migrate to the Upper Yenisey and the Selenga and Angara basins. When drought impacted that area c. 7500–7000 bp, Kotoi (Ket) culture descendants sought refuge in the resource-rich Minusinsk Basin. On the Middle Yenisey River, Angara style rock art served as a mnemonic device that encoded the syncretism of proto Ket and Evenki cosmologies and beliefs resulting from their social alliance.
该论文反驳了之前的说法,采用比较风格分析和古环境数据来论证安加拉风格的岩画起源于旧石器时代晚期(13,000-10,300 bp )的蒙古阿尔泰地区,并在原地演化。大约距今 8200–7300年前,干旱迫使创造安加拉风格岩石艺术的狩猎采集者迁移到上叶尼塞以及色楞格盆地和安加拉盆地。当干旱影响该地区时 c.距今7500–7000 bp ,科托伊(Ket)文化后裔在资源丰富的米努辛斯克盆地寻求庇护。在叶尼塞河中游,安加拉风格的岩石艺术充当了一种助记手段,编码了原始科特人和鄂温克人的宇宙观和信仰的融合,这些信仰源于他们的社会联盟。