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Histopathology Image Classification With Noisy Labels via The Ranking Margins
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1109/tmi.2024.3381775
Zhijie Wen 1 , Haixia Wu 1 , Shihui Ying 1

Clinically, histopathology images always offer a golden standard for disease diagnosis. With the development of artificial intelligence, digital histopathology significantly improves the efficiency of diagnosis. Nevertheless, noisy labels are inevitable in histopathology images, which lead to poor algorithm efficiency. Curriculum learning is one of the typical methods to solve such problems. However, existing curriculum learning methods either fail to measure the training priority between difficult samples and noisy ones or need an extra clean dataset to establish a valid curriculum scheme. Therefore, a new curriculum learning paradigm is designed based on a proposed ranking function, which is named The Ranking Margins (TRM). The ranking function measures the ‘distances’ between samples and decision boundaries, which helps distinguish difficult samples and noisy ones. The proposed method includes three stages: the warm-up stage, the main training stage and the fine-tuning stage. In the warm-up stage, the margin of each sample is obtained through the ranking function. In the main training stage, samples are progressively fed into the networks for training, starting from those with larger margins to those with smaller ones. Label correction is also performed in this stage. In the fine-tuning stage, the networks are retrained on the samples with corrected labels. In addition, we provide theoretical analysis to guarantee the feasibility of TRM. The experiments on two representative histopathologies image datasets show that the proposed method achieves substantial improvements over the latest Label Noise Learning (LNL) methods.


