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Integrating Community Cultural Wealth Into Postsecondary Transition for Students With Disabilities Receiving English Learner Services
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325241239662
Lindsay Romano 1 , Audrey Trainor 1 , Gracy Sarkissian 1 , Lynn Newman 2

Understanding how capital influences postsecondary transition for students receiving special education and English learner (EL) services can inform culturally sustaining planning practices and improve postsecondary outcomes. Recognizing how students and families utilize community cultural wealth capital in the transition process can support efforts to thwart deficit-based practices and replace them with asset-based approaches that expand upon students’ strengths. At the same time, examining the ways the dominant group maintains power through actions that perpetuate the status quo is important. In this article, we apply Bourdieu’s capital theory alongside Yosso’s community cultural wealth framework to better understand how capital informed the postsecondary transition experiences of 13 students receiving special education and EL services and their parents. Implications and recommendations for understanding and utilizing cultural capital and community cultural wealth in transition are explored.



了解资本如何影响接受特殊教育和英语学习者 (EL) 服务的学生的中学后过渡,可以为文化维持规划实践提供信息并改善中学后成果。认识到学生和家庭在转型过程中如何利用社区文化财富资本,可以支持阻止基于赤字的做法,并用扩展学生优势的基于资产的方法取而代之。与此同时,审视主导群体通过维持现状的行动来维持权力的方式也很重要。在本文中,我们将布迪厄的资本理论与约索的社区文化财富框架结合起来,更好地了解资本如何影响 13 名接受特殊教育和 EL 服务的学生及其父母的中学后过渡经历。探讨了转型中理解和利用文化资本和社区文化财富的意义和建议。