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Regulation of late-acting operons by three transcription factors and a CRISPR-Cas component during Myxococcus xanthus development
Molecular Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1111/mmi.15252
Shreya Saha 1 , Lee Kroos 1

Upon starvation, rod-shaped Myxococcus xanthus bacteria form mounds and then differentiate into round, stress-resistant spores. Little is known about the regulation of late-acting operons important for spore formation. C-signaling has been proposed to activate FruA, which binds DNA cooperatively with MrpC to stimulate transcription of developmental genes. We report that this model can explain regulation of the fadIJ operon involved in spore metabolism, but not that of the spore coat biogenesis operons exoA-I, exoL-P, and nfsA-H. Rather, a mutation in fruA increased the transcript levels from these operons early in development, suggesting negative regulation by FruA, and a mutation in mrpC affected transcript levels from each operon differently. FruA bound to all four promoter regions in vitro, but strikingly each promoter region was unique in terms of whether or not MrpC and/or the DNA-binding domain of Nla6 bound, and in terms of cooperative binding. Furthermore, the DevI component of a CRISPR-Cas system is a negative regulator of all four operons, based on transcript measurements. Our results demonstrate complex regulation of sporulation genes by three transcription factors and a CRISPR-Cas component, which we propose produces spores suited to withstand starvation and environmental insults.


黄色粘球菌发育过程中三种转录因子和 CRISPR-Cas 成分对晚效操纵子的调控

饥饿时,杆状黄色粘球菌细菌会形成土丘,然后分化成圆形的抗应激孢子。对于孢子形成重要的晚效操纵子的调节知之甚少。 C 信号传导被认为可以激活 FruA,FruA 与 MrpC 协同结合 DNA,从而刺激发育基因的转录。我们报告该模型可以解释参与孢子代谢的fadIJ操纵子的调节,但不能解释孢子衣生物发生操纵子exoA-IexoL-PnfsA-H的调节。相反, fruA的突变增加了这些操纵子在发育早期的转录水平,表明 FruA 的负调控,而mrpC的突变对每个操纵子的转录水平产生了不同的影响。 FruA 在体外与所有四个启动子区域结合,但引人注目的是,每个启动子区域在 MrpC 和/或 Nla6 的 DNA 结合结构域是否结合以及协同结合方面都是独特的。此外,根据转录本测量,CRISPR-Cas 系统的 DevI 组件是所有四个操纵子的负调节因子。我们的结果证明了三个转录因子和一个 CRISPR-Cas 组件对孢子形成基因的复杂调控,我们认为它们可以产生适合承受饥饿和环境侵害的孢子。