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Correction: Unravelling cell type-specific responses to Parkinson’s Disease at single cell resolution
Molecular Neurodegeneration ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s13024-024-00717-9
Araks Martirosyan , Rizwan Ansari , Francisco Pestana , Katja Hebestreit , Hayk Gasparyan , Razmik Aleksanyan , Silvia Hnatova , Suresh Poovathingal , Catherine Marneffe , Dietmar R. Thal , Andrew Kottick , Victor J. Hanson-Smith , Sebastian Guelfi , William Plumbly , T. Grant Belgard , Emmanouil Metzakopian , Matthew G. Holt

Molecular Neurodegeneration (2024) 19:7


The original article contained an error whereby the production team handling the article mistakenly omitted the company of affiliation #8 (‘ bit.bio’).

The affiliation text has since been corrected, and is also viewable in this Correction article.

Author notes
  1. Araks Martirosyan, Rizwan Ansari and Francisco Pestana contributed equally to this work.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

    Araks Martirosyan, Francisco Pestana, Suresh Poovathingal, Catherine Marneffe & Matthew G. Holt

  2. Department of Clinical Neurosciences, UK Dementia Research Institute, University of Cambridge, CB2 0AH, Cambridge, UK

    Rizwan Ansari, Silvia Hnatova, William Plumbly & Emmanouil Metzakopian

  3. Verge Genomics, South San Francisco, CA, USA

    Katja Hebestreit, Andrew Kottick, Victor J. Hanson-Smith & Sebastian Guelfi

  4. Armenian Bioinformatics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia

    Hayk Gasparyan & Razmik Aleksanyan

  5. Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia

    Hayk Gasparyan & Razmik Aleksanyan

  6. Laboratory for Neuropathology, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Leuven Brain Institute, Department of Pathology, KU Leuven, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

    Dietmar R. Thal

  7. The Bioinformatics CRO, Orlando, FL, USA

    T. Grant Belgard

  8. bit.bio, The Dorothy Hodgkin Building, Babraham Research Institute, Cambridge CB223FH,, Cambridge, UK

    Emmanouil Metzakopian

  9. Laboratory of Synapse Biology, i3S, Porto, Portugal

    Matthew G. Holt

  1. Araks MartirosyanView author publications

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  2. Rizwan AnsariView author publications

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  3. Francisco PestanaView author publications

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  4. Katja HebestreitView author publications

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  5. Hayk GasparyanView author publications

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  6. Razmik AleksanyanView author publications

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  7. Silvia HnatovaView author publications

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  8. Suresh PoovathingalView author publications

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  9. Catherine MarneffeView author publications

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  10. Dietmar R. ThalView author publications

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  11. Andrew KottickView author publications

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  12. Victor J. Hanson-SmithView author publications

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  13. Sebastian GuelfiView author publications

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  14. William PlumblyView author publications

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  15. T. Grant BelgardView author publications

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  16. Emmanouil MetzakopianView author publications

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  17. Matthew G. HoltView author publications

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Correspondence to Emmanouil Metzakopian or Matthew G. Holt.

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Martirosyan, A., Ansari, R., Pestana, F. et al. Correction: Unravelling cell type-specific responses to Parkinson’s Disease at single cell resolution. Mol Neurodegeneration 19, 28 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-024-00717-9

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  1. Araks Martirosyan、Rizwan Ansari 和 Francisco Pestana 对这项工作做出了同样的贡献。


  1. VIB 脑与疾病研究中心,鲁汶大学,鲁汶,比利时

    Araks Martirosyan、Francisco Pestana、Suresh Poovathingal、Catherine Marneffe 和 Matthew G. Holt

  2. 英国痴呆症研究所临床神经科学系,剑桥大学,CB2 0AH,剑桥,英国

    Rizwan Ansari、Silvia Hnatova、William Plumbly 和 Emmanouil Metzakopian

  3. Verge Genomics,南旧金山,加利福尼亚州,美国

    Katja Hebestreit、Andrew Kottick、Victor J. Hanson-Smith 和 Sebastian Guelfi

  4. 亚美尼亚生物信息学研究所,埃里温,亚美尼亚

    海克·加斯帕里安 & 拉兹米克·阿列克萨尼扬

  5. 埃里温国立大学数学与力学系,埃里温,亚美尼亚

    海克·加斯帕里安 & 拉兹米克·阿列克萨尼扬

  6. 神经病理学实验室,影像和病理学系,鲁汶脑研究所,病理学系,KU Leuven,UZ Leuven,鲁汶,比利时


  7. 生物信息学 CRO,美国佛罗里达州奥兰多


  8. bit.bio,多萝西霍奇金大楼,巴布拉汉姆研究所,剑桥 CB223FH,,剑桥,英国


  9. 突触生物学实验室,i3S,葡萄牙波尔图


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Martirosyan, A.、Ansari, R.、Pestana, F.等人。更正:以单细胞分辨率揭示细胞类型对帕金森病的特异性反应。摩尔神经变性 19 , 28 (2024)。 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-024-00717-9


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