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A racial identity approach to entrepreneurship: the lived experiences of African American and Black entrepreneurs
Small Business Economics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11187-024-00909-z
Susana C. Santos , Eric W. Liguori , Michael H. Morris , SherRhonda R. Gibbs


We focus on the role of racial identity in the entrepreneurial journey, its antecedents and expected outcomes. Building on entrepreneurial identity and racial identity literatures, we analyze 21 reflective interviews featuring African American and Black entrepreneurs leading successful businesses to develop a racial identity approach to entrepreneurship. Findings uncover that the relevance of racial identity, often perceived as a liability before embarking on entrepreneurial endeavors, triggers entrepreneurial action to escape racial segregation and discrimination. Within the context of the venture, racial identity manifests in two distinct ways: (a) through a value proposition and target market defined by racial centrality and ideology, showing how racial identity may be an asset; and conversely, (b) through racial salience when accessing resources, reflecting racial identity as liability. Creating a venture with a strong racial identity is an essential aspect of its racialized meaningfulness. The entrepreneur aims to provide a racial role model from the African American community to empower future generations and reinforce the perception of racial identity as a valuable asset. Our study challenges the notion of race-neutral entrepreneurship and supports that entrepreneurship is an emancipation mechanism for racial minorities.




我们关注种族身份在创业之旅中的作用、其前因和预期结果。在创业身份和种族身份文献的基础上,我们分析了 21 次反思性访谈,其中包括非裔美国和黑人企业家领导的成功企业,以制定种族身份创业方法。调查结果表明,种族身份的相关性在开始创业之前通常被视为一种负担,但却会引发企业家采取行动来逃避种族隔离和歧视。在该项目的背景下,种族身份以两种不同的方式表现出来:(a) 通过由种族中心性和意识形态定义的价值主张和目标市场,展示种族身份如何成为一种资产;相反,(b) 在获取资源时通过种族显着性,将种族身份反映为责任。创建具有强烈种族认同的企业是其种族化意义的一个重要方面。这位企业家的目标是为非裔美国人社区提供一个种族榜样,以赋予子孙后代权力,并强化种族身份作为宝贵资产的观念。我们的研究挑战了种族中立的创业观念,并支持创业是少数族裔的解放机制。
