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Addressing privacy concerns with wearable health monitoring technology
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-23 , DOI: 10.1002/widm.1535
C. L. V. Sivakumar 1 , Varda Mone 2 , Rakhmanov Abdumukhtor 3

The growing popularity of wearable health devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches enables continuous personal health monitoring but also raises significant privacy concerns due to the real‐time collection of sensitive data. Many users are unaware of vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized access or discrimination if health information is revealed without consent. However, even informed users may willingly share data despite understanding privacy risks. The recent implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and states taking initiatives to regulate privacy shows growing regulatory efforts to address these threats. This paper evaluates the key privacy threats posed specifically by consumer wearable devices. It provides a focused analysis of how health data could be exploited or shared without users' knowledge and the security flaws that enable such risks. Potential solutions including improving protections, empowering user control, enhancing transparency, and strengthening regulations are examined. However, it is argued that effective change requires balancing privacy risks with health benefits while also considering human decision‐making behaviors. The paper concludes by proposing a multifaceted approach to enable informed choices about wearable health data.This article is categorized under: Application Areas > Health Care Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Fairness in Data Mining Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Legal Issues



健身追踪器和智能手表等可穿戴健康设备日益普及,可以实现持续的个人健康监测,但由于实时收集敏感数据,也引发了严重的隐私问题。许多用户没有意识到,如果未经同意泄露健康信息,可能会导致未经授权的访问或歧视。然而,即使知情的用户也可能愿意共享数据,尽管他们了解隐私风险。最近欧盟实施了《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR),各国采取措施监管隐私,这表明应对这些威胁的监管力度不断加大。本文评估了消费者可穿戴设备带来的主要隐私威胁。它重点分析了健康数据如何在用户不知情的情况下被利用或共享,以及导致此类风险的安全缺陷。研究了潜在的解决方案,包括改善保护、增强用户控制权、提高透明度和加强监管。然而,有人认为,有效的变革需要平衡隐私风险和健康益处,同时还要考虑人类的决策行为。本文最后提出了一种多方面的方法,以实现对可穿戴健康数据的明智选择。本文分类如下: 应用领域 > 医疗保健 商业、法律和道德问题 > 数据挖掘的公平性 商业、法律和道德问题 > 法律问题