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Rural Residence, Motorcycle Access, and Contraception Use in South and Southeast Asia☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12520
Jonathan A. Muir 1 , Scott R. Sanders 2 , Hannah Z. Hendricks 2 , Michael R. Cope 2

Access to contraception is critical for limiting fertility. Yet, in South and Southeast Asia, access to these resources is often limited by spatial inequalities between rural and urban areas. Access to a motorcycle may empower women living in rural areas to attenuate these spatial inequalities, increase their educational attainment and participation in labor markets, and thereby facilitate a shift in fertility preferences. Concomitantly, motorcycle access may increase access to contraception for geographically isolated women who desire to limit fertility. We employ logistic regression models to examine associations with contraception use and unmet need for contraception for women living in rural versus urban areas and for women with versus without access to a motorcycle. Roughly 40 percent of women reported current use of contraception while another 21 percent indicated an unmet need for contraception. After adjusting for other variables, women with a motorcycle were more likely to report current contraception use (AOR = 1.55, 95% CI [1.50, 1.61]), modern contraception use (AOR = 1.60, 95% CI [1.54, 1.66]), and traditional contraception use (AOR = 1.49, 95% CI [1.41, 1.58]) compared with women who did not own a motorcycle. Women with a motorcycle were less likely to report an unmet need for contraception (AOR = 0.65, 95% CI [0.62, 0.68]) after adjusting for other variables. Our results are consistent with the premise that motorcycles facilitate contraception use among women living in resource-limited countries in South and Southeast Asia and thereby contribute to decreases in fertility. These relationships are contextualized by whether a woman lives in an urban or rural setting, and the number of children already present in their household; they are robust to controlling for household-level wealth and other factors that may mediate associations with contraception use.



获得避孕措施对于限制生育能力至关重要。然而,在南亚和东南亚,获得这些资源往往受到城乡空间不平等的限制。拥有摩托车可以使生活在农村地区的妇女减少这些空间不平等,提高她们的教育程度和对劳动力市场的参与,从而促进生育偏好的转变。与此同时,摩托车的普及可能会增加那些希望限制生育的偏远妇女获得避孕的机会。我们采用逻辑回归模型来研究生活在农村和城市地区的女性以及拥有和无法使用摩托车的女性与避孕措施使用和未满足的避孕需求之间的关系。大约 40% 的女性表示目前正在使用避孕措施,而另外 21% 的女性则表示避孕需求未得到满足。调整其他变量后,骑摩托车的女性更有可能报告当前避孕措施的使用情况(AOR = 1.55,95% CI [1.50, 1.61])、现代避孕措施的使用情况(AOR = 1.60,95% CI [1.54, 1.66])和传统避孕措施的使用(AOR = 1.49,95% CI [1.41,1.58])与没有摩托车的女性相比。在调整其他变量后,拥有摩托车的女性不太可能报告未满足的避孕需求(AOR = 0.65,95% CI [0.62,0.68])。我们的结果与以下前提一致:摩托车促进了生活在南亚和东南亚资源有限国家的妇女采取避孕措施,从而导致生育率下降。这些关系取决于女性生活在城市还是农村,以及家庭中已有孩子的数量;它们对于控制家庭财富和其他可能介导与避孕使用的关联的因素具有强大的作用。