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Short-term exposure to air pollution and hospital admission after COVID-19 in Catalonia: the COVAIR-CAT study
International Journal of Epidemiology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyae041
Anna Alari 1, 2, 3 , Otavio Ranzani 1, 2, 3 , Sergio Olmos 1, 2, 3 , Carles Milà 1, 2, 3 , Alex Rico 1, 2, 3 , Joan Ballester 1 , Xavier Basagaña 1, 2, 3 , Payam Dadvand 1, 2, 3 , Talita Duarte-Salles 4, 5 , Mark Nieuwenhuijsen 1, 2, 3 , Rosa Maria Vivanco-Hidalgo 6 , Cathryn Tonne 1, 2, 3

Background A growing body of evidence has reported positive associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and poor COVID-19 outcomes. Inconsistent findings have been reported for short-term air pollution, mostly from ecological study designs. Using individual-level data, we studied the association between short-term variation in air pollutants [nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter with a diameter of <2.5 µm (PM2.5) and a diameter of <10 µm (PM10) and ozone (O3)] and hospital admission among individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. Methods The COVAIR-CAT (Air pollution in relation to COVID-19 morbidity and mortality: a large population-based cohort study in Catalonia, Spain) cohort is a large population-based cohort in Catalonia, Spain including 240 902 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the primary care system from 1 March until 31 December 2020. Our outcome was hospitalization within 30 days of COVID-19 diagnosis. We used individual residential address to assign daily air-pollution exposure, estimated using machine-learning methods for spatiotemporal prediction. For each pandemic wave, we fitted Cox proportional-hazards models accounting for non-linear-distributed lagged exposure over the previous 7 days. Results Results differed considerably by pandemic wave. During the second wave, an interquartile-range increase in cumulative weekly exposure to air pollution (lag0_7) was associated with a 12% increase (95% CI: 4% to 20%) in COVID-19 hospitalizations for NO2, 8% (95% CI: 1% to 16%) for PM2.5 and 9% (95% CI: 3% to 15%) for PM10. We observed consistent positive associations for same-day (lag0) exposure, whereas lag-specific associations beyond lag0 were generally not statistically significant. Conclusions Our study suggests positive associations between NO2, PM2.5 and PM10 and hospitalization risk among individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 during the second wave. Cumulative hazard ratios were largely driven by exposure on the same day as hospitalization.


加泰罗尼亚 COVID-19 后短期暴露于空气污染和入院:COVAIR-CAT 研究

背景 越来越多的证据表明,长期暴露于空气污染与 COVID-19 不良结果之间存在正相关关系。关于短期空气污染的报告结果不一致,主要来自生态研究设计。利用个人层面的数据,我们研究了空气污染物[二氧化氮(NO2)、直径为<2.5 µm(PM2.5)的颗粒物(PM2.5)和直径为<10 µm(PM10)的短期变化之间的关联。 )和臭氧 (O3)] 以及诊断为 COVID-19 的个体的住院情况。方法 COVAIR-CAT(与 COVID-19 发病率和死亡率相关的空气污染:西班牙加泰罗尼亚的一项基于人口的大型队列研究)队列是西班牙加泰罗尼亚的一个基于人口的大型队列,包括 240 902 名被诊断患有 COVID-19 的个体。 2020 年 3 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间,初级保健系统中有 19 名患者。我们的结果是在诊断出 COVID-19 后 30 天内住院。我们使用个人居住地址来分配每日空气污染暴露量,并使用机器学习方法进行时空预测进行估计。对于每一波大流行浪潮,我们都拟合了 Cox 比例风险模型,考虑了过去 7 天的非线性分布滞后暴露。结果 大流行浪潮的结果差异很大。在第二波期间,每周累积空气污染暴露 (lag0_7) 的四分位范围增加与二氧化氮 (NO2) 住院治疗的 COVID-19 增加 12%(95% CI:4% 至 20%)相关,8%(95 PM2.5 的 % CI:1% 至 16%),PM10 的 % CI:9%(95% CI:3% 至 15%)。我们观察到当日 (lag0) 暴露存在一致的正相关性,而超过 lag0 的滞后特定关联通常不具有统计显着性。 结论 我们的研究表明,第二波感染 COVID-19 的患者中,NO2、PM2.5 和 PM10 与住院风险呈正相关。累积风险比主要是由住院当天的暴露造成的。