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Empowering critical digital literacy in EFL: Teachers’ evaluation of didactic materials involving the recognition of presupposed information
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688241235019
Nicola Brocca 1 , Viviana Masia 2 , Davide Garassino 3

This article proposes the use of a textual analysis technique involving the recognition of linguistic implicitness to promote Critical Digital Literacy (CDL) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. The technique, called Implicit Content Extraction (ICE), allows for the detection and analysis of (non- bona fide) presuppositions, thus enabling students to identify how much and what potentially manipulative information is being conveyed in a text. ICE has been tested on ready-to-use communicative materials. The materials were evaluated by EFL teachers ( N = 10) who participated in a semi-structured interview. The analysis shows a positive reception of the materials, which meet the need for CDL, and a willingness on the part of teachers to implement the technique. Concerns are also raised about the explicit treatment of presuppositions, pointing to a low ability of students and teachers to analyse implicit strategies in a text.



本文建议使用涉及语言隐含性识别的文本分析技术来促进英语作为外语(EFL)课堂中的批判性数字素养(CDL)。该技术称为隐式内容提取(ICE),可以检测和分析(非善意)预设,从而使学生能够识别文本中传达了多少以及哪些潜在的操纵信息。 ICE 已在即用型交流材料上进行了测试。这些材料由参加半结构化访谈的 EFL 教师(N = 10)进行评估。分析表明,这些材料受到了积极的欢迎,满足了 CDL 的需要,并且教师也愿意实施该技术。人们还对预设的显式处理提出了担忧,指出学生和教师分析文本中隐含策略的能力较低。