Molecular Neurodegeneration ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s13024-024-00716-w Qingyi Ma 1, 2 , Zhen Zhao 1 , Abhay P Sagare 1 , Yingxi Wu 1 , Min Wang 1 , Nelly Chuqui Owens 1 , Philip B Verghese 3 , Joachim Herz 4, 5, 6 , David M Holtzman 7 , Berislav V Zlokovic 1
Correction : Mol Neurodegener 13, 57 (2018)
After publication of the first correction [1] to the original manuscript [2] regarding Fig. 4b, errors were noticed in the corrected Fig. 4B representative images for anti-LRP1 and RAP conditions:
In the merged column, representative images with similar pattern were noticed in anti-LRP1 and si.Lrp1 conditions, and in the Cy3-Aβ42 column, representative images with similar pattern were noticed in si.Lrp1 and RAP conditions.
The anti-LRP1 merged image, an incorrect cell tracker image was used for the merged overlay image. The merged image for anti-LRP1 has been corrected using images from the anti-LRP1 Cell tracker and Cy3-Aβ42 channels as originally presented in Fig. 4B.
The RAP Cy3-Aβ42 image is incorrect and was also incorrectly used for the RAP merged image. The authors have identified the correct RAP Cy3-Aβ42 image and replaced both the Cy3-Aβ42 and merged RAP images.
The single channel si.Lrp1 Cy3-Aβ42 image and si.Lrp1 merged image are both correct, and no change is needed. Importantly, these errors only pertain to the incorrect representative images in Fig. 4B and have no impact on the analysis or conclusions presented in the paper.
The corrected version of the entire Fig. 4 is shown ahead, and the authors apologize for these unintentional errors.
Ma Q, Zhao Z, Sagare AP, et al. Correction: Blood-brain barrier-associated pericytes internalize and clear aggregated amyloid-β42 by LRP1-dependent apolipoprotein E isoform-specific mechanism. Mol Neurodegener. 2022;17:71.
Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar
Ma Q, Zhao Z, Sagare AP, et al. Blood-brain barrier-associated pericytes internalize and clear aggregated amyloid-β42 by LRP1-dependent apolipoprotein E isoform-specific mechanism. Mol Neurodegener. 2018;13:57.
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Author notesQingyi Ma, Zhen Zhao and Abhay P Sagare contributed equally to this work.
Authors and Affiliations
Center for Neurodegeneration and Regeneration, Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute and Department of Physiology and Neuroscience, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90033, USA
Qingyi Ma, Zhen Zhao, Abhay P. Sagare, Yingxi Wu, Min Wang, Nelly Chuqui Owens & Berislav V. Zlokovic
Lawrence D. Longo, MD Center for Neonatal Biology, Division of Pharmacology, Department of Basic Sciences, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA, 92350, USA
Qingyi Ma
C2N Diagnostics, LLC, Saint Louis, MO, 63110, USA
Philip B. Verghese
Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Joachim Herz
Department of Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Joachim Herz
Department of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics and Center for Translational Neurodegeneration Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Joachim Herz
Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, 63110, USA
David M. Holtzman
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- Abhay P. SagareView author publications
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- Yingxi WuView author publications
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- Nelly Chuqui OwensView author publications
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- Philip B. VergheseView author publications
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- Joachim HerzView author publications
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- David M. HoltzmanView author publications
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- Berislav V. ZlokovicView author publications
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Correspondence to Berislav V. Zlokovic.
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Ma, Q., Zhao, Z., Sagare, A.P. et al. Correction: Blood–brain barrier-associated pericytes internalize and clear aggregated amyloid-β42 by LRP1-dependent apolipoprotein E isoform-specific mechanism. Mol Neurodegeneration 19, 27 (2024).
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纠正:血脑屏障相关周细胞通过 LRP1 依赖性载脂蛋白 E 异构体特异性机制内化并清除聚集的淀粉样蛋白 - β42
更正: Mol Neurodegene 13, 57 (2018)
在针对图 4b 对原始手稿 [2] 进行第一次更正 [1] 后,在针对抗 LRP1 和 RAP 条件的校正后的图 4B 代表性图像中发现了错误:
在合并列中,在抗 LRP1 和 si 中注意到具有相似模式的代表性图像。 Lrp1条件下,在 Cy3-Aβ42 柱中,在 si 中注意到具有相似模式的代表性图像。 Lrp1和 RAP 条件。 -
抗LRP1合并图像,错误的细胞跟踪器图像被用于合并的覆盖图像。抗 LRP1 的合并图像已使用来自抗 LRP1 细胞追踪器和 Cy3-Aβ42 通道的图像进行校正,如图 4B 中最初所示。 -
RAP Cy3-Aβ42 图像不正确,并且也错误地用于 RAP 合并图像。作者已识别出正确的 RAP Cy3-Aβ42 图像,并替换了 Cy3-Aβ42 和合并的 RAP 图像。
单通道si。 Lrp1 Cy3-Aβ42 图像和 si。 Lrp1合并图像都是正确的,无需更改。重要的是,这些错误仅与图 4B 中不正确的代表性图像有关,对论文中提出的分析或结论没有影响。
整个图 4 的更正版本如前所示,作者对这些无意的错误表示歉意。
马清一、赵震和 Abhay P Sagare 对这项工作做出了同样的贡献。
南加州大学凯克医学院神经退行性和再生中心、Zilkha 神经发生研究所和生理学和神经科学系,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州,90033,美国
马清一、赵震、Abhay P. Sagare、吴英熙、王敏、Nelly Chuqui Owens 和 Berislav V. Zlokovic
Lawrence D. Longo,医学博士 洛马琳达大学医学院基础科学系药理学部新生儿生物学中心,洛马琳达,加利福尼亚州,92350,美国马清一
C2N Diagnostics, LLC,圣路易斯,密苏里州,63110,美国菲利普·B·维尔盖斯
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Ma,Q.,赵,Z.,Sagare,AP等。纠正:血脑屏障相关周细胞通过 LRP1 依赖性载脂蛋白 E 异构体特异性机制内化并清除聚集的淀粉样蛋白 - β42。摩尔神经变性19 , 27 (2024)。
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